- Business Operations
- System Functions
System Functions

Building Strategic IT to Support Next-Generation Wholesale
The Company will gather various information in its position between retailers and manufacturers.
By picking up this information at an early stage and engaging in two-way transmission of useful information, we assist the creation of salesfloors that meet consumer needs.
We are building strategic information systems and networks to support these activities.

* What is Arata Community Cloud (ACC)?
ACC is ARATA’s proprietary solution that helps to discover issues and opportunities at an early stage. The system handles graphical data analysis and real-time information sharing across multiple devices.

A Nationwide Information Network
ARATA is one of few companies in the distribution industry to have a national-scale information network.
We will continue to use this network for the following purposes, aiming to play a central role in the supply chain.
Provision of
services using our
position as a
intermediary -
Innovation of the
business processes
between retailers,
wholesalers, and
manufacturers -
Stimulation of the
overall industry
by circulating

Initiatives on Advanced IT that Can Respond to Change
1. Initiatives on IT for realizing digital transformation (DX)
We are researching IT technologies that can support DX, such as cloud computing, AI, IoT, big data, and drone, and responding to change.
Furthermore, we will also incorporate the agile system development method to enable the construction of systems that can respond rapidly to change.
2. Initiatives to reform work styles using advanced technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA)
We will automate various manual tasks that occur in our operations using RPA to reduce the need for labor. At the same time, we will realize a telework environment to enable flexible workstyles in and outside of the Company.
Moreover, since RPA systems can be loosely coupled, it is possible to link systems while utilizing the individual effectiveness of each type of system to provide systems that are more seamless.
Establishing an Information Utilization Infrastructure with a Large-Scale Database and High-Speed Network
We plan to build a large-scale database at two data centers in east and west Japan, aiming to establish an infrastructure with a high speed network for information usage at the national level.
We will also prepare for unexpected disasters by building a back-up center.